AGENDA for 2017 Trail Rail Run Planning Meeting

Here is the agenda for our planning meeting on Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 6 p.m. (Mountain time) at the St. Regis Community Center.

Please call the number below if you cannot attend in person



 Agenda     6-7 p.m. MST

1.       Discussion of the develop of a job description and hiring process for the 2017 Race Director

2.       Discussion of successes and concerns from past TRRs

3.       Discussion of potential changes for the 2017 event-new 5K Run/Walk starting at Two Mile Creek and limits on the time to complete the 50-mile event, others

4.       Discussion of marketing for the 2017 event

5.       Discussion of runner registration and timing

6.       Discussion of awards and prizes

7.       Discussion of aids stations and volunteers

8.       Discussion of the use of proceeds from the TRR 2016 to improve the trail

9.       Other