As fate would have it, the Trail Rail Run inaugural event is taking place on the same day as a very important HAM Radio Operator annual event called Field Day. It’s big and it’s regional and virtually every HAM operator in multiple states attends.
This posed problematic since cell phone reception is little to nonexistent in the narrow, cell-phone-tower-free canyon from Lookout to St. Regis. The call went out searching for any HAM operators not attending Field Day and willing to help. They have already been at work making sure that repeaters are operational and that communication will be assured. Put your hands together for the following HAM Operators who are coming from near and far:
Gary Roth from Goldendale, WA
Steve Mendez from Coeur d’Alene, ID
Jerry Hooper from Kellogg, ID
Keith Newell from Mullan, ID
Dave Dorward from Hamilton, MT
Randall Jones from Newman Lake, WA
Mike Fell from St. Regis, MT
Kenneth House from Spokane, WA
Lyle Loshbaugh from north of Spokane, WA
Jeff Brubaker from Helena, MT
Bill Eehardt from Helena, MT
Be sure to thank them!